Monthly Archives: December 2012

Concentrating Solar Power

Concentrating Solar Power Technology

A new book by Keith Lovegrove  (Head of Solar Thermal with the UK-based renewable energy consulting company, IT Power Group).

The author, Keith Lovegrove, believes the concentrating solar power (CSP) industry can look forward to strong growth for many years to come.

This book addresses a diverse range of audiences.

–  engineers /scientists.
–  those with a non technical background.
–  those of us who already work in the field.


Click the image to download a summary of the book and pricing.

Concentrating Solar Power


World Renewable Energy Congress

Bookings for the World Renewable Energy Congress conference are open now.

World Renewable Energy Congress

The event takes place at Murdoch University, Western Australia

On the 14-18th July 2013

Special early bird registration prices are available until 31 of December 2012 through the conference organiser Dr Kuruvilla Mathew:

For more information please visit the event website: