Monthly Archives: May 2019

Making History!

In 2004 Garry Baverstock AM, wrote the history of the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES) for the progress of solar energy applications over a 50 year period (1954 – 2004).

It was written for a published volume for the International Solar energy Society (ISES) over a two year period. The introduction for the ANZSES  and its global history was written by the famous Professor David Mills, one of the world’s experts on solar thermal power plants. Gary wrote the chapters for Australia.

For many years, the history was a prominent focus of the Australia Solar Council website but with a shift in the focus from R&D to marketing, the new Smart Energy Council has revived it –

It is a truism that if a society that does not value its history, will mean large mistakes can be made. The unique feature of the people involved in the history of solar energy in Australia and New Zealand was considered and careful. With having just a commercial focus, the danger is that energy generation could go up blind alleys and not see the lessons of history. The time scales involved are beyond anyone’s lifestyle.


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