Tag Archives: AuSES

Solar Policy Takes a Hit

Solar Industry Budget Cuts Announced

They say a day is a long time in solar policy. Over the weekend we saw Prime Minister Gillard announce $370 million in solar industry budget cuts to pay for the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program.

Solar Hot Water was the first target. A total of $150 million was pulled out of the federal government’s solar hot water rebate program, (the Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme) with $75 million lost in 2010/11 and another $75 million in 2011/12. This could result in the premature end of that program.

Next the solar industry budget cuts affected Solar Flagships, with $220 million taken from stage one, (with $70 million lost in 2012/13 and a further $120 million in 2013/14). The Solar Flagships program has already been delayed by around a year while industry waited for detail and now funding has been cut.

In addition to the above, more solar industry budget cuts came from changes in the support given to small scale solar (solar hot water and solar PV). Originally the small scale scheme was proposed as an uncapped scheme. When the legislation passed however, a potential cap on support for small scale solar was set at 6 million Renewable Energy Certificates Australia in 2015.

Sounds OK? Not when you consider that in 2009 over 10 million small scale Renewable Energy Certificates Australia were created. (And no, this figure is not inflated by phantom REC’s to any significant degree, as phantom REC’s only started to wash through the system in late 2009). That means that the Renewable Energy Certificates price paid for residential solar could be reduced in the near future. More solar industry budget cuts ahead?

Connecting Renewable Energy to the Grid

On first pass it seemed that the solar industry has had a small win with the government committing $1 billion to connecting renewable energy to the grid. But then we learnt that the first tranche is $100 million over the next 4 years.

The cost of installed High Voltage Transmission lines that actually extend the grid are estimated to be around $1.7 million per kilometre. As it stands this policy is set to deliver less than 15km of new transmission line per year for the next 4 years.

Renewable Energy Feed-In Tarriff Victoria

But good solar policy is being implemented. Last week the Victorian Government committed to a 5% solar target by 2020, and a feed-in-tariff to drive that commitment. It’s a very strong policy – precisely the sort of policy the federal government should be adopting –  rather than solar industry budget cuts they need to be increasing support.

National Target for Solar Energy Supply

For too long the solar industry has been an easy target. Our industry is subject to constant policy change, delay and uncertainty. This is no way to run industry development policy.

What we need is long term stability. First, let’s set out a national target for solar at 5% of electricity generation by 2020 (around 6,500MW of capacity).

Next, put the policies in place that will drive domestic, commercial and industrial demand for solar. The federal government must build on existing State and Territory support for solar, by expanding feed-in-tariffs to include larger commercial and industrial solar.

At the largest scale a competitive feed-in-tariff would be ideal. This is where the projects that help reach the target, and can be developed for the lowest feed-in-tariff are successful.

Next we need to drive down the costs of these solar projects. One important way to do this is through government backed loan guarantees, which act to reduce the cost of project finance.

We have a world class solar resource. We have strong public support. We have proven technology that is rapidly falling in price. It is time we got serious about a comprehensive, long term plan for a solar Australia, instead of being hampered by solar industry budget cuts.

Need a Long Term Solar Energy Plan

Australia’s solar resource is available everywhere, it closely matches demand, and can it be stored and dispatched when it is needed most. If we are all active in spreading this message over the next week or so, perhaps it is not too late to turn the fate of solar around.

Now is the time to speak out.   Get active in online discussions; write to the media, and to your local federal candidates.

John Grimes, CEO   Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES)
Website: www.auses.org.au Email: CEO@auses.org.au

Some useful media addresses follow:

The Australian letters@theaustralian.com.au Financial Review edletters@afr.com.au Sydney Morning Herald letters@smh.com.au

Daily Telegraph letters@dailytelegraph.com.au Canberra Times letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au Courier Mail cmletters@qnp.newsltd.com.au The Age letters@theage.com.au Herald Sun hsletters@heraldsun.com.au Adelaide Advertiser advedit@adv.newsltd.com.au Keep letters to 200 words and include your full name, daytime phone number and address.

We need to prevent more solar industry budget cuts. Spread the word that solar needs policy stability now.Click to read related articles on photovoltaics, renewable energy systems, green roofs, LEED and green architects on this blog.

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Cash for Clunkers puts Solar into Reverse

23 July 2010

John Grimes, CEO
Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES)
Website: www.auses.org.au
Email: CEO@auses.org.au

The Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES) says the Gillard Government’s ‘cash for clunkers’ program has thrown the future of Australia’s solar industry hard into reverse. The solar industry is stunned to learn that $220m will be pulled from the Solar Flagships program to pay for the Gillard government’s $2,000 cash for clunkers scheme. “Why would you rip the heart out of the promising utility scale solar program to simply put more cars on Australia’s already crowded roads?” “By taking money away from solar you are taking money away from a 100% emission free electricity generation, and putting it into reducing emissions from cars. It makes no environmental policy sense”, said Grimes.

The Australian public constantly support solar as the number one climate change solution, and they want to see employment and infrastructure projects rolled out to meet the climate challenge. “This announcement means that clean energy jobs and large clean energy utility projects that had been funded, have just been scrapped or scaled back”. “The Gillard government has just announced that they are cutting these important green collar jobs, just as we should be scaling them up” said Grimes. The ‘cash for clunkers’ program should be funded by reducing the generous Fuel Tax Credits scheme, which subsidises diesel fuel for mining companies, and which costs Australian taxpayers around $4.9 billion a year, or $606 per household per year” said AuSES CEO John Grimes. AuSES is calling for stable policy settings for solar to allow both utility scale solar and personal solar action to be supported.

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Little Opportunity for Big Solar

22 July 2010

John Grimes, CEO
Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES)
Website: www.auses.org.au
Email: CEO@auses.org.au

The Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES) was hoping today’s election announcement by Prime Minister Gillard on climate change would contain a roadmap for making big solar in Australia a reality. Australia has an unprecedented opportunity to build a big solar future, as we have the world’s best solar resource, solar availability closely meets energy demand, and big solar can provide 24 hour energy availability through energy storage and dispatch.

“This announcement was a lost opportunity to outline policies to pull through the investment needed to exploit our fantastic solar resource,” said John Grimes the CEO AuSES. “While $100m a year for ten years to connect new renewable energy projects to the grid already announced in the May budget is a good start, the announcement does nothing to drive those new projects to be developed. Funding for renewable energy infrastructure should come from broader infrastructure funds rather than scarce renewable energy funds.” “The Prime Minister said there have been 52 big solar projects proposals, but only 2 will be successful. Instead of making future dirty coal fired power stations carbon capture and storage ‘ready’, we should be making the other 50 big solar projects a reality”. “AuSES calls on the parties to commit to a target for big solar of 5% of energy production by 2020, supported by loan guarantees and a big solar feed in tariff to the most competitive projects that can help us meet the target.”

The Australian public constantly support solar as the number one climate change solution. The technology is ready, the resource is abundant, clean and free, and the public want to see a solar powered Australia. “Clean energy investment and clean energy jobs could be created overnight with the right policy settings”.

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Solar Energy Society Backs Victorian Feed in Tariff, Calls for National Action

21 July 2010

John Grimes, CEO
Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES)
Website: www.auses.org.au
Email: CEO@auses.org.au

The Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES) has welcomed the Victorian Government’s commitment to generate 5% of the State’s electricity from solar power by 2020 and $50m in funding for a 154MW solar project at Mildura. “This announcement by the Victorian Premier, John Brumby, of a feed-in tariff for large scale solar makes Victoria the sun smart State” said John Grimes the CEO of the Australian Solar Energy Society. “By generating 5% of its electricity from solar power, Victoria will lead Australia in powering homes and communities with pollution free energy from the sun”. “Premier Brumby’s announcement is good news for Victoria’s environment, for regional communities and for the Australian solar industry. This policy will generate thousands of clean economy construction and manufacturing jobs in north-west and central Victoria, boosted by $50m in funding for Solar Systems, a subsidiary of Silex”.

The Australian Solar Energy Society calls on the Federal Government and Opposition to match Premier Brumby’s announcement and commit to at least 5% of Australia’s electricity coming from Big Solar by 2020. A 5% target can be met through a Commonwealth Budget funded competitive feed-in tariff and loan guarantees. “Big Solar is becoming big business throughout the world, and Victoria will soon be riding the clean energy investment wave. With leadership from Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott, the sunburnt country can be the sun-powered country.” AuSES also welcomes Premier Brumby’s commitment to further investigate a feed-in tariff for commercial-scale solar. This is the fastest growing area of solar energy globally, but it remains an untapped market in Australia.

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