AuSES Conference Best Papers: Solar Energy Economics Best Papers

We have prepared list of’s own selection of ranked candidates for the Solar Energy Economics best papers presented at the ‘Solar 2010’ Conference: Policies and Strategies (including the Economics of solar energy, diversity of derived forms of solar energy, electricity grids and data collection)

The analysis and understanding the of more obscure fields of solar energy related technology and policy developments is obviously another critical step forward to applying more solar energy in our economy. this section will hopefully expand as more papers are delivered in the future.

AuSES Committee – Best Papers at AuSES Solar 2010 as judged by the AuSES panel

Student Prizes – Wal Read Memorial Prizes
Post Graduates Prizes
BILBAO, Jose “PV-Thermal Water Systems as a Retrofit for Near Zero Energy Homes”
Winner $1500 AUD
BAMBROOK, Shelley “Experimental PVT Air System for Dwellings”
Highly Commended $1000 AUD
LHENDUP, Tshewang “Simulation of a Ground-coupled Heat Pump Combined with Solar Collectors”
Commended $250 AUD
ELLISTON, Ben “Grid parity: A potential misleading concept?”
Commended $250 AUD

Undergraduates Prizes
BRAZIER, Thomas “Dependence of installed cost of a 1.5 kW rooftop PV system on module efficiency”
Joint Winner $1,000 AUD
BOEREMA, Nicholas “Economics of constraints on wind farms – SA”
Joint Winner $1,000 AUD
O’BRIEN, Paul “Exergetic analysis of a steam-flashing thermal storage system”
Joint Winner $1,000 AU

Solar Energy Economics: Director Garry Baverstock’s personal selection of the Best Papers

At the conference the papers were presented under a number of category headings such as Built Environment, Wind Power, Photovoltaics, Environmental Benefits, Solar Thermal and Solar Energy Economics. Following is our selection of the worthwhile papers and a ranking based on relevance to world situation on Climate Change, the impact on the increased use of solar energy and the quality of the research as presented in the paper.
The Solar Energy Economics best papers, in our opinion, have been listed below. This is our opinion, but we are interested in what the solar experts think and any comments are welcome. If we have overlooked a paper or you disagree with our assessment please feel free to offer your opinion. If bona fide it will be published.

Image Businessmen shaking hands


A comment by is included after each listing.

1. Renewable Energy Education at UNSW

Richard Corkish1,2, Stephen Bremner1, Anna Bruce1, Hanzheng Duo1, Evatt Hawkes1, Merlinde Kay1, Alison Lennon1,2, Alistair Sproul1, Ted Spooner3, Santosh Shrestha1,2, Geoff Stapleton1, Ashraf Uddin1,2, Muriel Watt1, Darcy Wentworth1
Comment: This an exceptional run-down on what the UNSW does in the field.

2.Improving investment outcomes in the development and commercialization of ‘clean’ energy technologies within Australia

Allan Aaron1, Iain MacGill1
Comment: This is the key for faster change and adoption of solar energy technology and systems

3.Comparing the Economics of Nuclear and Renewable Sources of Electricity

Mark Diesendorf1
Comment: This really makes one think hard and long to go nuclear in Australia, on economic grounds

4.A Supply-Demand Model for a Zero-Carbon Australia
Trevor Jack1, Robyn Bateup2, Vernie Everett3
Comment: Looking at a visionary big picture view is the essence of this paper

5.Using policy design to manage the impact of stakeholder pressure during the policy development process
Robert Passey and Iain MacGill
Comment: Interesting perspectives for governance

6.Status of Rural Electrification in the ‘Heart of Borneo’: Role of Micro Hydro Projects

S.Murni1, J.Whale1, J.K.Davis1, T.Urmee1, D.Harries2
Comment: This is a visionary approach for Australia and relevant to the developing world

7.Valuable insight into the strategic thinking by governments – Urban growth, albedo and global warming

G.B. Smith1, A.R. Gentle1 and I. Edmonds2
Comment: A unique blend of big–picture thinking and solid scientific principles.

8.Lessons learnt from implementing intelligent metering and energy monitoring devices in a new housing development

D.M. Whaley, W.Y. Saman, E. Halawa, L.T. Mudge
Comment: Having evidence based-learning will lead to better results in the built environment


A message from AuSES
People who were not delegates at Solar 2010 (or AuSES members) who would like to access this resource they can apply for access for an annual fee of $140 (ex GST). Please go to AuSES website. invites you to leave comments on our ranking of Solar Energy Economics Best Papers at the end of this article.

Experts who disagree with our rating and choices we invite you to make comment and if enough substance is shown we will reserve the right to change the ranking at anytime or keep the ranking the same. related links: